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Your Voice and Our Voices TOGETHER


Help Build A Labour Socialist Network


When Jeremy Corbyn was elected Labour leader in 2015, it suddenly created the possibility for a genuinely socialist Labour government.  Many members feel that a democratic network of local support groups, controlled by members, is now needed to support this socialist project.  To hear more about discussions in your area or the progress on a Labour Socialist Network sign up here and join our forum. 


We believe that genuine socialism must be from the grass roots up and must always be fully accountable and democratic. Where it is not, it loses courage and conviction.



Socialist Network

Who We Are

Who We Are

L.S.N. is a dedicated cooperative of individuals and organisations spread throughout the UK; providing an online 'safe space' for socialists to interact. We do not endorse all views held by our affiliate groups, but where common ground exists, we seek to amplify our voices. 


Founded in 2019.  Our non-profit organisation exists to express solidarity with the exploited, oppressed & discriminated against.  We connect like-minded individuals and groups, to provide a platform for ideas and activism. We also ensure that 'left-thinking' voices are not misrepresented or distorted.


We will work with other socialist Labour party groups, locally and nationally, to secure the selection and election of socialist Labour MPs and a socialist Labour government and welcome all opportunities to include all such in our network. We are committed to democratic decision making by all members of the network and will listen and consult before raising our voice.

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We believe in striving to achieve unity in action with our comrades but also accept that after comradely debate this is not always possible on every issue and we respect the right of individuals or groups to act independently where agreement cannot be reached. A strong, democratic Network will value these educative debates and differences.


We express our support to and will campaign for solidarity with all those experiencing unjust wars, exploitation, racism and all discrimination. We will build resistance locally, nationally and internationally and oppose our own UK government where it supports oppression.


We will fight for a democratic member led socialist Labour Party that governs for the many not the few. Our policies reflect the values of Clause Four of the 1918 Labour Party constitution (until removed in 1995).


‘To secure for the workers by hand or by brain the full fruits of their industry and the most equitable distribution thereof that maybe possible upon the basis of common ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange, and the best obtainable system of popular administration and control of each industry or service’

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